Day one, I've survived the journey to my new prison. The walls are cold and slick but the top of my cage appears to be loose. Yes, I've been rattling it for the last half an hour which for some reason upset the giant. He lifted the lid and yelled at me but I puffed up really big and flung mud everywhere until he went back to bed. Tomorrow....
Her act of aggression completely backfired though because she was so cute I had to do a photo shoot on my table immediatley; I'm sure she loved the attention. So I spent my morning before work trying to get her to sit still long enough for me to get some pictures. She was incredibly uncooperative, but I did manage to get these beauties.
I should have guessed that she was plotting something. By the end of our photo shoot she was suspiciously content with me holding her. I'm pretty sure she was just getting the layout of my apartment for her escape.
The foolish giant has given me a complete view of his apartment. He's been gone a long time so I'm going to make my escape today. I think escaping through the toilet drain is my best bet...
After work, I rushed to find a new cage for her. I went to the lady on the street who sells turtles and hamsters and stuff but she didn't have a cage that I felt was suitable for my new friend. So I went to the store and bought a moderately sized tupperware container with a lid. I went bounding up to my apartment, eager to show Mrs. Toad her new accommodations. When I opened my apartment door, however, I saw from across the room that the lid to her pot was ajar and she wasn't inside!
But I had little time to care about that because there was still a blood-thirsty beetle cruising around my apartment waiting for another opportunity to sneak-attack me. I found him quickly. He was trying to get back out the window that he must have flown in through. He was struggling pretty badly to get airborne though--probably because I just thunder-palmed him straight to the ground not five minutes early.
"I'm gettin' out of here. Peace suckers!" |
"I might have to crawl my way out..." |
Naturally, I decided that Ick was going to be Mrs. Toad's roommate, if not her friend. So I put them in the cage together. They immediately hated each other. Or, unsurprisingly, Mrs. Toad hated Ick and seemed less interested in eating him than she did in bullying him. Soon, however, she would change her mind...
Love always,
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